下圖是本blog的QR code :
Steve的行為越來越"宅"了. ^^
最近上網看到有些blog友把blog的URL轉換為 QR code 貼在side bar上, steve覺得幾好玩也把本部落的QR CODE貼在這篇文上讓網友玩下.
QR 碼是1994年時日本人開發的一種條碼(BARCODE), 設計給電腦讀取而不是給人看的. QR 的英文全寫是 "QUICK RESPONSE". 是日本目前最常用的條碼系統, 外觀為四方形而且比傳統的長條形UPC CODE 可以儲存更多的數據. 現在很多日本人使用裝了掃瞄程式的J-PHONE就是可以讀QR碼了. 當然J-PHONE必須裝有30萬像素或以上的相機鏡頭.
使用QR 碼的好處是可以快捷無誤地輸入資料, 特別是解決使用手機那12 個簡單按鍵時, 打英文或中文字的頭痛問題. QR CODE 在實際使用時不但可以先打印在紙張上掃瞄, 聽說還可以在電腦MONITOR上直接掃瞄, 如果有J-PHONE 的朋友可以幫手試掃一下 上面的 QR-CODE 看看能否在手機上這個BLOG? ^^
steve當初寫BLOG時的確有想過舊式電腦或PDA或SMART PHONE的顯示器解像度比較低, 畫面比較小, 所以一直使用窄的版面編排, 但是用PDA或SMART PHONE看BLOG要捲來捲去的確是不太好玩... ^^
Web Hosting
The expansion of my cousin's internet business in Singapore drives him to seek malaysia web hosting . He refer the IPSERVERONE to me, IPSERVEONE provides stable and lower cost web hosting service in Malaysia. The unbeatable hosting package is only RM149/year, either Windows, Linux or Java system are supported.
IPSERVERONE is established in 2003, its strong technical team can provide the best service to you, IPSERVERONE is your best business partner. You can contact them by e-mail sales@ipserverone.com or call +603 6250 6956 for enquiry.
The office address is
568, Lot 2-6, Complex Mutiara,
3 1/2 Miles, Jalan Ipoh
51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
IPSERVERONE is established in 2003, its strong technical team can provide the best service to you, IPSERVERONE is your best business partner. You can contact them by e-mail sales@ipserverone.com or call +603 6250 6956 for enquiry.
The office address is
568, Lot 2-6, Complex Mutiara,
3 1/2 Miles, Jalan Ipoh
51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Adding Desk-top RAM
After successful-upgrading of my desk-top PC, my brother ask me to check his desk-top PC. He want to install the Pro-E CAD software on his desk-top PC. I checked the config. of his PC yesterday, his desk-top is P4, 2GHz with 80GB harddisk but only has 512MB RAM at his system. The best way to make the Pro-E software run smoothly at his desk-top PC is Adding Computer RAM.
Last evening, my friend bought 2GB RAM module via on-line service 'memorydeal.net" again for me. After confirmation of your order, the memory deal would send the products via carrier. At their website, there are variety RAM modules for different systems such as Apple, Dell, HP, IBM and Sun. Add IMAC Memory is an easy job if you use the new service of memory deal. This new service eliminates the potential risks of memory upgrades by insuring that levels of RAM modules remain the same as computer makers.
The DDR PC2700 Memory is one of hot product of memory deal. PC retailers usually recommend compatible memory upgrades, but only by using the same exact memory as that originally installed can ensure optimum performance. The memory deal owner Scott Bauer says Memory Deal is the "first and only online store offering customers genuine factory original memory modules for each and every memory upgrade."
Have problem? Their enquiry contact is here :
Phone: 408-212-0342
Fax: 408-351-9110
Last evening, my friend bought 2GB RAM module via on-line service 'memorydeal.net" again for me. After confirmation of your order, the memory deal would send the products via carrier. At their website, there are variety RAM modules for different systems such as Apple, Dell, HP, IBM and Sun. Add IMAC Memory is an easy job if you use the new service of memory deal. This new service eliminates the potential risks of memory upgrades by insuring that levels of RAM modules remain the same as computer makers.
The DDR PC2700 Memory is one of hot product of memory deal. PC retailers usually recommend compatible memory upgrades, but only by using the same exact memory as that originally installed can ensure optimum performance. The memory deal owner Scott Bauer says Memory Deal is the "first and only online store offering customers genuine factory original memory modules for each and every memory upgrade."
Have problem? Their enquiry contact is here :
Phone: 408-212-0342
Fax: 408-351-9110
News About Buying Memory Online
I try to upgrade my desktop PC from Windows XP to Windows VISTA today. After completion of VISTA installation, I find that the performance of my PC is very poor with VISTA. I ask my friend for help then he check my desktop PC to find out the reason of poor performance. The config. of my PC is P4, 1GHz, 512MB RAM. He told me that the 512MB RAM of my PC is insufficient for running a VISTA system.
He refer a great online shop of RAM module to me. It is memory deal.
I've checked this store, the Apple Memory & MAC RAM is also available in Memory Deal. They provide first-of-its-kind on-line service to customer that guarantee all memory modules purchased are an exact match of those originally installed at the factory. The cost of memory upgrade of most PC is less than US$100 so you can fully utilize you old PC by this upgrade. It is good for earth and environment because the old PC would not be scraped in several years. ^^
My friend told me to proceed the 2gb Memory Upgrade. It is amazing, my PC is running smoothly after RAM upgrade.
The PC3200 DDR400 SDRAM Upgrade can also be supported by Memory Deal as well. Now I am planning to upgrade my eeePC by myself.
He refer a great online shop of RAM module to me. It is memory deal.
I've checked this store, the Apple Memory & MAC RAM is also available in Memory Deal. They provide first-of-its-kind on-line service to customer that guarantee all memory modules purchased are an exact match of those originally installed at the factory. The cost of memory upgrade of most PC is less than US$100 so you can fully utilize you old PC by this upgrade. It is good for earth and environment because the old PC would not be scraped in several years. ^^
My friend told me to proceed the 2gb Memory Upgrade. It is amazing, my PC is running smoothly after RAM upgrade.
The PC3200 DDR400 SDRAM Upgrade can also be supported by Memory Deal as well. Now I am planning to upgrade my eeePC by myself.
上篇寫了TOSHIBA電腦, 今日又係繼續吹下辰野工場同事最鍾意用既手提電腦-LIBRETTO
除左鍾意用國貨,日本人好鍾意精緻小型既用品. 曾經有段時間, TOSHIBA出左部 LIBRETTO手提極受同事歡迎. 好多同事自己私人買了在公司用. 它是 用INTEL PENTIUM 100MHZ CPU LIBRETTO 50, 16MB, 800MB HARDDISK. 八百幾克重量. SIZE 係210X115X34. 裝日文WIN95, 非常SLIM. 我在辰野雖然不是配備使用這個型號, 但特地借來用過. 感覺上係KEYBOARD細了一點, 打字不方便. 但是對於我用既 2隻手指打字法影響唔大.^^
手提電腦方面, 我一直使用公司配給的電腦, 從來沒有自己購買過. 最近終於自己私人買了部手提電腦, 我的第 1 部私人手提就係華碩ASUS既黑色eeepc. 可能是受以前日本同事影響, 我係鍾意它既小巧精緻. 其次令我印象深刻的係SSD SOLID STATE HARDDISK. 我第一次接觸SSD 係裝在 YAMAHA 實裝機上的1GB SSD 價錢忘記了但係應該是非常貴, WINDOWS NT 操作介面. 它使用SSD的原因是因為實裝機在運作時產生震動, 如果用普通MECHANICAL HARDDISK, 震幾震, 好快玩完.^^
台灣這類產品的開發深受日本的影響. eeepc小巧精緻有libretto既影子, 7" LCD, 900MHz CELERON M, 4GB SSD, 512MB RAM, linux界面, 有web cam 有speaker又有mic. 香港定價HK$2998, 非常吸引, 以前日本同事既libretto 好似要十幾萬丹. 在 如果可以成功佔有日本市場, 可以打破日本人愛用國貨的慣例.
在網上看到很多網友開始改機/upgrade. 改機不外乎加野/換野, 我肯定唔會裝win xp 這些大食怪,反而想試拆野. 玩下在減少資源的環境下維持到它的效能或改良linux希望可以在原有的資源下增強它的效能. 因為eeepc設計時既定位就是sub-notebook, 輕/快/簡單就係賣點. 你加錢upgrade, 不如直接買高檔次notebook 仲好.
就好似以前玩電單車咁. 有些friend用幾萬去改車加補品, 改中缸想將250cc engine upgrade 到350cc. 不如直接買400cc好過. eeepc就好似電單車咁方便加輕及快.
相關文章 : 在辰野時使用的電腦(1)
95年時初次去辰野工場時帶一部 NEC monochrome 黑白LCD手提電腦去, 係NEC既 PC9800.^^
NEC PC9800 係 386 IBM compatible pc 使用NEC 自己開發既日文DOS. 可以寫下 BASIC, 用下word editor, 重量約 3~5磅, 係當年係日本最紅既PC. 有2 X 3.5"FDD 無HARDDISK. 好似係 1MB RAM.
日本人鍾意用國貨, 電腦當然不會例外. 當時NEC應該投入大量資源去開發這系列電腦. 使用這款電腦的原因是工場內有好多設備都是用NEC 電腦控制, 有關的程式全在 NEC DOS環境內運作. 有些FDD在IBM PC內讀唔到既. 這樣的安排可以消除歐美大型電腦公司的影響, 特別是電腦技術的操控.
2000年後公司配給普通TOSHIBA手提電腦給香港同事使用. 它使用CELERON M, Windows 界面, 與世界接軌. TOSHIBA手電就好普通不用多講了.^^
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