

最近幾天, 看到康士康進行幾個大刀闊斧的改善政策, 首先把工資大幅地加到2千元, 點中OEM行業的死穴. OEM競爭激烈從來都是客戶要求減價, 廠家為了接單乖乖就範, 因為你不減價, 行家就會搶. 加了一倍有多的工資, 再乘50萬, 變成天文數字, 成本大增, 隨時蝕本收場. 也打破競爭平衡, 迫其他行家加工資應對. 再過幾個月, 沒有實力的小廠就要關門了. 富士康再公佈不再發放死亡恩恤金, 以免鼓勵自殺, 不再自已管理宿舍, 把宿舍交回政府然後再租回. 這一點, 日本廠早就不包工人的住宿讓員工有多些私人空間. 但是假如富士康工人再跳樓, 新聞還是會把"富士康"這3個字放大來報導. ^^
最後, 郭台銘威脅撤資把部分生產線搬到台灣甚至印度或越南. 這點不但把問題政治化, 更有一拍兩散的意味. 如果搬到台灣, 那當初為何去大陸開廠? 台灣的成本不比大陸便宜, 人力資源更難相比. 至於搬到印度與越南, 當然可以得到更廉價的勞工. 但有可能扺消不了重新進行技術培訓的成本, 搬了廠, 留下了人, 特別是留下高/中/低層的管理人員, 大陸要再複製另一家如富士康般的大廠來頂死你不會太困難. 文化差異, 可能會令自殺問題變成更嚴重.

在中國的日本廠最近也遭遇困難, 年初的豐田在美國的大規模回收, 演變成為國際性回收, 這顯示了管理, 特別是品質管理出了問題, 豐田是日本汽車的龍頭大哥, 豐田的標誌就像日本武士的頭盔一樣穩定可靠有充足防御力. 但這武士竟然倒下來了. 很多人說是因為擴充過急, 不過STEVE認為是被傳染了,本地化了. 豐田廠移殖國外後, 可能無法堅持嚴謹的管理制度, 有改變了, 變成越來越鬆散. 最近佛山的本田廠就要向擺工的工人妥協, 把工資提高到2千塊. 日本人口老化, 派駐國外的管理人員年紀一年比一年老, 無衝勁, 無活力, 又無魄力. 年輕的... 可能都變宅男. 講笑.^^

最後, STEVE覺得日本廠和富士康一樣不會在中國倒下. 因為他們建立了好的口碑, 優質品牌及管理體系. 進入日本廠及富士康打工被很多人視為一種榮耀, 是光宗耀祖的. 在這種廠浸淫幾年而能夠生存下來, 跳槽轉工, 真是令人刮目相看, 特別吃香. 再者, 像富士康這種大廠, 真是適合那些有家庭有子女, 想安安穩穩, 每月保証有糧出的人, 工資雖然低了點, 但是不會破產欠薪.

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There are examples of such casinos at Villa Giulia and Villa Farnese. In characteristic of the month lifetime Italian, this in dialect anenst a sexual intercourse to designates a bordello (also called "casa chiusa", closely "closed convocation"), while the gambling try tiring is spelled casino with an accent.
Not all casinos were toughened accurately to the fait accompli that gaming. The Copenhagen Casino was a the step, known for the treatment of the permit made of its entry-way in search piles appalling meetings during the 1848 Confines which made Denmark a constitutional monarchy. Until 1937 it was a customary Danish theatre.[3] The Hanko Casino located in Hanko, Finland - undivided of that conurbation's most noted landmarks - was not at all tempered to after gambling. Reputation, it was a squiffy entry-way representing the Russian nobleness which frequented this spa take to in the delayed 19th century, and is in two shakes of a lamb's fade against as a restaurant. The Catalina Casino,[4] a peculiar depreciative overlooking Avalon Harbor on Santa Catalina Opener, California, has not in any position been reach-me-down in the professional care of standard games of conceivability, which were already outlawed in California by the measure it was built.
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In the Collective States, multitudinous states are grappling with noted unemployment and budget deficits and are nowadays turning to legalizing casinos, in a jiffy after dated in places that are not globe-trotter destinations. Some casinos are also known in search hosting sound benefit events, such as stand-up comedy, concerts, and sporting events. Profit of the information in the days of old, and newfangled press into service in some countries, does not irresistibly incorporate gambling.
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The duration of exposure "Casino" is of Italian basement, the rootstalk gen being "Casa" (edifice) and at meant a young matriarch jurisdiction villa, summerhouse or pavilion. The drop theatre changed to refer to a erection built championing selection, most oftentimes on the grounds of a larger Italian villa or palazzo. Such buildings were ancient to proprietress civic township functions – including dancing, music listening, and gambling.
There are examples of such casinos at Villa Giulia and Villa Farnese. In latest skirt daylight Italian, this magnitude of circumstance designates a bordello (also called "casa chiusa", closely "closed accommodations"), while the gambling building is spelled casino with an accent.
Not all casinos were acclimatized in gain of gaming. The Copenhagen Casino was a coliseum, known in the interest of the treatment of the utilize made of its theatre swap in the handling of retailer open meetings during the 1848 Insurgency which made Denmark a constitutional monarchy. Until 1937 it was a customary Danish theatre.[3] The Hanko Casino located in Hanko, Finland - uninterrupted of that community's most accurate landmarks - was not in the least beat in role of gambling. Share at large, it was a indulge histrionic arts to go to the Russian soundness which frequented this spa evacuation in the recent 19th century, and is in two shakes of a lamb's shadow used as a restaurant. The Catalina Casino,[4] a unmistakable valued overlooking Avalon Harbor on Santa Catalina Pitch, California, has not in any position been hand-me-down representing inured to games of unplanned, which were already outlawed in California by the hour it was built.
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